Matt Lundy

Artisanal Custom Furniture Maker in Raleigh, North Carolina

Meet the Maker

Hi. My name is Matt. There a few things in this life I love and give myself to: my family, my faith, my coffee, my friends, and my craft.

My family consists of my wife and our two kids. We live a lifestyle that may be considered odd to others, but boy do we love it. We take things slow; intentionally.

My faith was also my career until 2020 when the pandemic pushed me from full-time ministry to being self-employed and working multiple jobs, including woodworking. I lost that career, and came close to losing my faith. However, in the midst of multiple crises, we never went without food, shelter, or love.

My coffee is single-origin, specialty roasted, light and fruity, and preferably from Papua New Guinea or Ethiopia. It’s made as a pour-over, with 198º∫ water. Sorry, I’m the annoying coffee guy.

My friends help push me to grow, reach, and be comfortable in my own skin. They are most of the reason I didn’t lose my faith through 2021.

My craft is my passion. Having the opportunity to take raw wood and turn it into something beautiful for someone else is a life giving experience.


Why is furniture so special and personal to me?

When my grandparents passed away, there was a midcentury encyclopedia case that I requested. Why? First, it was a great looking piece, but more importantly were the memories I had around it. This little bookcase held the tiny white Christmas tree that my grandmother would put up every year. This is the bookcase where my extended family sat around and opened presents. This is where my uncle gifted us all tickets to go see Mars Attacks in theaters, which he ended up hating. This was where my cousins fought over whose turn it was to hand out the gifts. This was where it didn’t matter our political preferences, status in life, or age range. This was where we were family. That piece of furniture sits in my house to this day. It has played the role of TV stand, coffee table & record player console. No matter what its function is, the memories of that little white Christmas tree will forever be associated with it.

Working together to help your family cultivate moments to remember.

The nostalgia I feel when I see this small encyclopedia bookcase is something I want to share with those around me. Consider a dining room table that housed fun, food, laughter and jokes that make your kids groan. Perhaps it’s a coffee table where mom “always wins at uno.” It could be a kitchen island where you and your spouse prepared the burnt turkey that one year for Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s the bookshelf that housed the Lord of the Rings books that you are handing down to your kids because, “they changed your life.” Maybe it’s the crib where your daughter laid her first born down to sleep for the first time. Whatever moments you want to make, let’s create something to make them around.

Let’s Create Together


Bring Your Ideas

Send me the Pinterest post, the dream board, the napkin drawing, or even the out of focus picture you took. We can start anywhere in the design process.

Watch the Process Unfold

I love sharing what I do on social platforms. Watch as your design goes from a concept on a screen, to becoming the piece of your dreams.

Make Memories for a Lifetime

Take all the time to be amazed at what we have accomplished together, but then use the piece for it’s designed purpose: gather family, friends and loved ones around to make memories.


It all starts with an idea.